Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Prime Factorization Calculator

Prime Factorization is the way of finding prime factors and prime factors are the numbers that are only divided by one or itself. These prime factors are whole numbers that are greater than one.
When we talk about the prime factorization it is describe as a process in which find the multiples of a given number that are in form of prime number.
We can explain it as 6 can be prime factorized as 2 * 3 .Both 2 and 3 are prime numbers and these are factors of 6 , so it is called as prime factorization. (want to Learn more about Prime Factorization, click here),
There is an on line tool that is known as Prime Factorization Calculator used for calculation of prime factors of given number. In Prime Factorization Calculator there is a text box in which user enter number of their choice and calculator will find prime factorization easily and accurately. It is a very time efficient tool that provide the answer of given problem related to prime factorization quickly.
Internally it follows all the rules of finding the prime factorization. We can describe all the rules related with the process of prime factorization that are as follows:
In the first step check that by which number given value is divided by using the division rule.
And in next step divide number and check whether quotient is prime or not ,if not then it will further divided by the prime number using the division rule.
At last when the generated quotient is a prime number than show all prime factors in multiplication form.
If we have a number 12 then it prime factors are first divide it with 2 that gives 6 and it is also divide by 2 that gives 3 and 3 is prime number and it will not further divided so the prime factorization of 12 is 2 * 2 * 3.
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